
Just about everyone alive has been given a prescription that has had steroids in it (to see a limited list of medications with steroids in them click here!).  In fact, steroids are even used as treatment for breast cancer.  My point is: steroids are not inherently deadly, but have been given that rep due to their excessive abuse.  Performance enhancers of all types are very popular in the athletic world today.  Perhaps it is time, to legalize and regulate them so that users will not be exposed to tainted products or improper dosages that could result in harm or death.

For some random fast facts about steroids click here!
This site will answer these questions and more: 
What are steroids?
What do steroids look like?
What are the risks of steroids?

STEROIDS DO NOT CAUSE SUICIDE---Studies of attempted or completed suicides cannot determine what the exact cause of that suicide was... (how can you possibly find out exactly what caused someone to kill themselves if they aren't alive to explain?) Therefore, how can anything be the direct cause of suicide?

PROS & CONS OF STEROID LEGALIZATION can be viewed by clicking here!  It is important to see both sides of this argument in order to see why it is that people side with the pros and cons.

Steroids are neither toxic nor addictive, yet they are still illegal.  Why?  Cigarettes are legal, and alcohol too.  Both tobacco and alcohol are highly addictive, toxic, and dangerous.  Yet, they are not legal.  Please explain why steroids are not dangerous, toxic or addictive, but are illegal!

See a list of steroid producers. See a list of who is selling quality products and who is selling fakes?

Level out the playing field in sports and legalize steroids.
Legalizing steroids would level out the playing field in competitive sports.  The rationality behind that philosophy is this:  If some people genetically have better athletic skills, why should the people who do not have less capability.  The playing field should be level for everyone.  Everyone who is competing should be competing on the same level or there is no fairness in competition.

To Buy Steroids Safely Click HERE

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