Thursday, May 3, 2012

Monday, April 9, 2012

Banning The Big Mac!

See this cow? Obviously, it has been injected with a ton of growth hormones, like millions of other cows, to make them grow faster and larger. Well America- this is where our Big Mac comes from! If the government wants to be our nanny and they may as well regulate everything we choose to put into our body. Along with steroids should probably be Big Macs, Whoppers... how about Outback's bloomin' onion? That can't be beneficial to one's health. How about Taco Bell's 500 calorie “salad?” Jamaican beef pattied? Twinkies? Redbull? Splenda? Cheeseybread? Protein shakes? Meal replacement bars? Hydroxycut? Muscle Milk? Viagra? Botox? Since when do we tolerate the government telling us what we can and cannot do with our own bodies? Do we want our politicians to spoon feed us what they claim to be healthy? The government's job in not to tell us what we can put into our bodies. If a person wants to inject botulinum toxin into their face to make their wrinkles disappear, why can't a skinny guy inject steroids into his biceps to make his muscles look bigger? If we allow the government to outlaw steroids, we are opening a gateway for them to outlaw some of America's favorite foods. A person can serve up to five years for selling steroids—that's more then a thief or a drunk driver. What's next? Fat police to lock up all the obese Big Mac fans? My point is this—the government is not our nanny, and by outlawing steroids, the government is actually creating a bigger problem for themselves and their citizens. Legalizing steroids is really the only reasonable way to create a balance between what the government and the people want. 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Legalization = Safe Use

John Burge's scholarly journal article titled "Legalize and Regulate: A Prescription for Reforming Anabolic Steroid Use Legislation" talks about safety that would be associated with steroid legalization.

Burge proposes that by legalizing steroids, doctors would be able to properly regulate the dosages in order to ensure safety.  Doctors would know exactly how much to give, how much to take away, when to stop, etc..  Not only would we be eliminating the black market and unsafe steroid abuse, but we would be creating a market for doctors. Athletes and bodybuilders would definitely be in the market for this, along with those who want to enhance their physique (cosmetic purposes).  Plastic surgeons make a crap load of money on their business, so why not expand?... in a safe way too! 

Burges article can be viewed by clicking HERE!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

This is one video about steroids, what they are, what they do, why they are banned, etc..  This program has played quite a few times on national television's science and ESPN channels.  The video provides a lot of factual information and a number of view points.

On the other hand, MTV's television show TrueLife series on 'I Use Steroids' is more like a documentary, a first hand encounter about the people who are taking them.... you can watch a clip from this show as well right here: 

Out of the two of these clips, which do you believe is more influential and why?  And as food for thought, how does the media play a major role in the formulation of opinions regarding steroid use?  I am curious to see what you all think!


COPS on Steroids!?

Hey all you meat heads!

So tell me how you feel about this..... Under federal law, a person can serve up to five years in prison for intent to sell steroids.  Here's the catch-  what about police officers on juice?  Take Ronnie Coleman for example, 8x Mr. Olympia, professional bodybuilder and police officer.

Take a look at this picture:

What makes it okay for police officers to lock up roid sellers and then inject them themselves?  Talk about a double standard!  Why is it 'legal' in a sense, for a certain group of people, yet not for the general public?  Talk about big time hypocrisy!

Also, take a look at this interesting article about Ronnie Coleman at work and how some other steroid cops feel about this controversy:

What do you all think?

Terrorism & Steroids

An unusual but valid claim about steroid use is portrayed in Jon E. Dougherty's article:
This 2005 article asks us why lawmakers busy themselves with such insanities as requiring the NFL, MLB and other professional sports organizations to test their athletes for steroid usage FIVE TIMES A YEAR! (Rather then involving themselves with bigger issues like's about TERRORISM?)   

Dougherty explains that this is not the government involvement that our Constitution intended for.  Instead of worrying about major world threats, why is the government worrying about Barry Bonds or the measly meatheads daily dosages?! Our government is NOT here to ensure the safety and security of athletes.  They are here to this same safety and security to the major needs of our country as a whole, by focusing on issues that actually matter to everyone....terrorism for example...Section 8 housing, global warming, ridiculously high taxes, just to name a few.  

Can someone please tell me where in this land of the "FREE" Constitution does it give our government the right to be involved with:


Bigger, Stronger, Faster is an awesome documentary that I watched this evening..... I highly reccomend this movie to anyone and everyone who is interested in the topic of steroid use. 

The documentary examines the steroid use of director Christopher Bell's two brothers, Smelly and Mad Dog, who all grew up idolizing Arnold Schwarzenegger, Hulk Hogan and Sylvester Stallone, and also features professional athletes, medical experts, fitness center members, and US Congressmen talking about the issue of anabolic steroids.

Beyond the basic issue of anabolic steroid use, Bigger, Stronger, Faster examines the lack of consistency in how America views drugs, cheating, and the lengths people go to achieve success. The film looks beyond the steroid issue to such topics as Tiger Woods' laser eye correction to 20/15 vision, professional musicians use of blood pressure reducing drugs, or athletes' dependence on cortisone shots, which are a legal steroid.  It takes a skeptical view of the health risks of steroids and is critical of the legal health supplement industry.

Check out the trailer below for a sneak preview of this documentary.

This documentary is real and down to earth....showing all sides of the spectrum, giving viewers all of the information and the opportunity to formulate their own opinions based on the known facts about steroids!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Response to: "Sporting Steroids: Ban the Ban?"


I must say, I am in complete agreement with Harshaw's Sporting Steroids: Ban the Ban.  Thousands of competitive athletes use sports enhancing supplements and growth hormones.  Thousands don't...but only because they don't need to.  Plenty of athletes all ready have the genetic make-up to compete without using any outside enhancers or supplements.

That being said, if steroids are illegal, then how is that fair to those without the genetic make-up for the competitive sport?  If steroids were legal, it would be more fair to everyone.  Everyone would have the same opportunities and no one would have an advantage over another.

Think about it.... you're a competitive bodybuilder trying your hardest to place within the top 5 in your weight class.  Unfortunately, you are not genetically gifted in the physique area, but you're up against hundreds who are.  Is that fair?  Is it fair that you can't place or win your title because of the genetically gifted competitors?  The legalization of steroids would create a level playing ground for everyone.


Land of the "free"

How come the government has the authority to control what we put in our own bodies?  Politicians can't tell us what types of foods to eat or aspirins to take or force us not to have a glass of wine daily. Why is it that the government is allowed to infringe on our individual rights and tell us we can't put steroids into our bodies?

The United States is the land of the free  ...How come we are not free to do as we like with our own bodies?  How come the government can control this aspect of our lives?  This will surely open the door for more limitations on individual freedoms.  Before we know it, the government will ban Hostess and McDonalds, because they aren't "healthy" food choices.... where in our Constitution does the government have the right to do this?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why aren't steroids cash cows? Because they don't give instant gratification? You use them you still have to work hard to get the benefits. Pound a pint, puff a cig your'e getting instant gratification all while lounging in your Lazy-Boy!

I just want to hear what you people think about this....I mean, I NEED some justification as to why steroids are illegal, yet tobacco and alcohol are not.

Cigarettes and booze have killed 100% MORE people than steroids ever have.

Ask someone if they know anyone who has died from steroids. if they can even name someone, it'll more than likely be "Lyle Alzhedo".

Ask someone if they know anyone who has died from tobacco (cancer, heart disease, emphysema) and/or alcohol (poisoning, drunk driving), and more than likely they'll say "my mother or father or aunt or uncle or grandparent or friend or cousin or classmate or neighbor".

Booze and tobacco are legal and are clearly, much more deadly.  Someone explain this to me!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Let's legalize steroids!  There is nothing unjust or wrong about professional athletes using chemical compounds and medical knowledge to improve their abilities and performance.  As long as steroid use is done properly, safely and in a regulated manner, what's so bad about it?  Steroids are not inherently deadly.  Unfortunately, the abuse of steroids has given them a bad reputation.