Saturday, April 7, 2012

Terrorism & Steroids

An unusual but valid claim about steroid use is portrayed in Jon E. Dougherty's article:
This 2005 article asks us why lawmakers busy themselves with such insanities as requiring the NFL, MLB and other professional sports organizations to test their athletes for steroid usage FIVE TIMES A YEAR! (Rather then involving themselves with bigger issues like's about TERRORISM?)   

Dougherty explains that this is not the government involvement that our Constitution intended for.  Instead of worrying about major world threats, why is the government worrying about Barry Bonds or the measly meatheads daily dosages?! Our government is NOT here to ensure the safety and security of athletes.  They are here to this same safety and security to the major needs of our country as a whole, by focusing on issues that actually matter to everyone....terrorism for example...Section 8 housing, global warming, ridiculously high taxes, just to name a few.  

Can someone please tell me where in this land of the "FREE" Constitution does it give our government the right to be involved with:

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